Building Address: 137 Fairview Avenue

Section / Block / Lot:

Surveyor’s Name: Jackie Peu-Duvallon

Survey Date: May 2004

Building Type: House

Owner’s Name:

Building Name: N/A

Date of Construction: ca. 1900

Architect: N/A

Building Dimensions:

No. of Floors: 2.5

Decorative Features: Braces, shutters

Siding Material(s): Aluminum

Roof Style: Hipped

Roofing Material(s): Asphalt shingle

Foundation: Concrete block

Window Style(s): 1/1 double hung replacements

No. of Entrances and Placement: One front door on the east elevation.

Chimneys and Placement: One interior brick chimney.

Condition: Good

Architectural Integrity: Moderate; the original roofing and siding materials have been replaced, as have the windows. A one story sun room has been added on the south façade.

Architectural Style: American Foursquare

This house stands two-and-a-half stories high and two bays wide, and has a square plan. A one story sun room with a flat roof has been added to the south façade. The house’s low-pitched hipped roof features a hipped dormer on the east elevation. The front door is centrally placed on the east façade, and has a hipped roof projection above it, supported by decorative braces. The exterior is clad in cream aluminum siding that mimics the look of clapboard. The roof is clad in asphalt shingle. The windows throughout the house are one-over-one double hung replacements and are framed by green shutters. An interior brick chimney is located at the rear of the house.

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