Building Address: 661 Middle Road

Section / Block / Lot:

Surveyor’s Name: Jackie Peu-Duvallon

Survey Date:  May 2004

Building Type: Garage

Owner’s Name:

Building Name: N/A

Date of Construction: ca. 1880

Architect: N/A

Building Dimensions:

No. of Floors: 2

Decorative Features: Fascia trim, scallop shingles

Siding Material(s): Vinyl shingle and clapboard

Roof Style: Cross Gambrel

Roofing Material(s): Asphalt shingle

Foundation: Concrete block

Window Style(s): 8/8 double hung originals

No. of Entrances and Placement: One front door on the south façade, three garage doors on the south façade.

Chimneys and Placement: None

Condition: Good

Architectural Integrity: Moderate; the original roofing and siding materials have been replaced.

Architectural Style: Queen Anne

This Queen Anne garage was built to match the 661 Middle Road. It stands two stories tall and has a rectangular plan. Its cross gambrel roof is of asphalt shingle and features pairs of original eight over eight double hung original windows at its gambrel ends. Pairs of like windows are also on the first floors of the east and west facades. The south façade features a row of three garage doors and one entrance door. The garage is clad in white vinyl siding with red-painted scallop shingles at the very top of the gambrel ends.

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